What is the Parity Center? A Q&A with the Deputy Director
Deputy Director Dr. Austin S. Kilaru gave an interview to CHIBE on the objectives of The Parity Center.

Webinar: Bundled Payments
The Path Forward
This virtual event, on June 4th 2024, brought together thought leaders, policymakers, and providers, to review the current evidence and best practices around bundled payments and the policy path forward. This was particularly timely given the Request for Information (RFI) that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued about its next bundled payment model release. This event, sponsored by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and hosted by The Parity Center. After opening remarks and a presentation on the state of the evidence, invited panelists participated in a moderated discussion led by the Director of The Parity Center, Amol Navathe, MD, PhD. View the Webinar here.
We Are Hiring! The Parity Center is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow -- for full information and to apply, click here.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will join The Parity Center, based in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy in the Perelman School of Medicine. This new interdisciplinary team of experts will be led by Amol Navathe, MD, PhD, as Center Director, and will include Paula Chatterjee, MD, MPH; Austin Kilaru, MD, MHSP; Kristin Linn, PhD; Ravi Parikh, MD, MPP; and Eric Roberts, MA, PhD, as Associate Directors. The aims of The Parity Center are to advance the redesign of payment and policy to promote healthcare equity; build partnerships with payment and delivery organizations to translate and test in real world settings; and train future leaders who can address payment-related drivers of inequity. The University of Pennsylvania will be the first institution in the world to house a research center with this unique focus that is both foundational and highly topical and policy relevant in today’s world. The Center is committed to these goals in collaboration with health insurer, health system, physician practice and policymaker partners to achieve organizational and societal goals of greater health care value and equity.