Led by Dr. Amol Navathe, The Parity Center is an interdisciplinary team of experts based in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Our mission is to catalyze reform in health care payment that promotes equitable health care delivery and outcomes. We are committed to doing so in collaboration with health insurer, health system, physician practice and policymaker partners in order to achieve organizational and societal goals of greater health care value and equity.
Mission Statement
The Parity Center is an interdisciplinary team of experts based in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Our mission is to utilize insights from economics and behavioral science to analyze existing policy effects and design, test, and evaluate financial and non-financial interventions that can improve care in pragmatic, real-world settings. We are committed to doing so in collaboration with health insurer, health system, physician practice and policymaker partners in order to achieve organizational and societal goals of greater health care value and equity.