Our Publications

Below are all available peer-reviewed research publications authored by Dr. Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD, The Parity Center, and/or our associated collaborators.

Succeeding in New Cardiac Bundles: Lessons from History, Directions for the Future

Read Publication Annals of Surgery

Liao JM, Chu D, Navathe AS.

Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Segment High-Cost Patient Populations

Read Publication Journal of General Internal Medicine

Yan J, Linn KA, Powers BW, Zhu J, Jain SH, Kowalski JL, Navathe AS.

Subgroups of High-Cost Medicare Advantage Patients: An Observational Study

Read Publication Journal of General Internal Medicine

Powers BW, Yan J, Linn KA, Jain SH, Kowalski JL, Navathe AS.

Pitfalls and Potential in Medicare's Move Toward Outpatient Care Episodes

Read Publication Annals of Internal Medicine

Navathe AS, Emanuel EJ, Liao JM.

Aligning Patient and Physician Incentives

Read Publication JAMA

Navathe AS, Emanuel EJ, Volpp KG.

Redesigning Provider Payment: Opportunities and Challenges from the Hawaii Experience

Read Publication Healthcare

Volpp KG, Navathe AS, Oshima Lee E, Mugishii M, Troxel AB, Caldarella K, Hodlofski A, Bernheim S, Drye E, Yoshimoto J, Takata K, Stollar MB, Emanuel EJ.

Association of Hospital Participation in a Medicare Bundled Payment Program with Volume and Case Mix of Lower Extremity Joint Replacement Episodes

Read Publication JAMA

Navathe AS, Liao JM, Dykstra SE, Wang E, Lyon ZM, Shah Y, Martinez J, Small DS, Werner RM, Dinh CT, Ma X, Emanuel EJ.

Medicaid's Path to Value-Based Reform

Read Publication NEJM

Liao JM, Sommers BD, Navathe AS.

Physician Perspective in Year 1 of MACRA and its Merit-Based Payment System: A National Survey

Read Publication Health Affairs

Liao JM, Shea JA, Weissman A, Navathe AS.

Comparison of Hospitals Participating in Medicare's Voluntary and Mandatory Orthopedic Bundle Programs

Read Publication Health Affairs

Navathe AS, Liao JM, Polsky D, Shah Y, Huang Q, Zhu J, Lyon ZM, Wang R, Rolnick J, Martinez JR, Emanuel EJ.