Our Publications

Below are all available peer-reviewed research publications authored by Dr. Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD, The Parity Center, and/or our associated collaborators.

Physician Practice Variation Under Orthopedic Bundled Payment

Read Publication American Journal of Managed Care

Liao JM, Emanuel EJ, Whittington GL, Small DS, Troxel AB, Zhu J, Zhong W, Navathe AS.

Incorporating Value into Physician Payment and Patient Cost-Sharing

Read Publication American Journal of Managed Care

Song Z, Navathe AS, Emanuel EJ, Volpp KG.

New Mexico Cancer Center and the COME HOME Model: Pathways Improving the Value of Community-Based Cancer Care

Read Publication Healthcare

Parikh RB, Bekelman JE, Hodlofski A, Navathe AS, New Medico Cancer Center.

Characteristics of Hospitals Earning Savings in the First Year of Mandatory Bundled Payment for Hip and Knee Surgery

Read Publication JAMA

Navathe AS, Liao JM, Shah Y, Lyon Z, Chatterjee P, Polsky D, Emanuel EJ.

Reframing the Value Proposition of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Bundles

Read Publication JAMA Surgery

Liao JM, Navathe AS, Chu D.

Engaging Small Independent Practices in Value-Based Payment: Building Aledade's Medicare ACOs

Read Publication Healthcare

Powers BW, Mostashari F, Maxson E, Lynch K, Navathe AS.

Do Changes in Post-Acute Care Use at Hospitals Participating in an Accountable Care Organization Spillover to All Medicare Beneficiaries?

Read Publication Journal of General Internal Medicine

Navathe AS, Bain AM, Werner RM.

Partnership HealthPlan of California: Addressing Opiod Overuse with Behavioral Design Principles

Read Publication Healthcare

Liao JM, Hodlofski A, Moore R, Navathe AS.

Volume Increases and Shared Decision-Making in Joint Replacement Bundles

Read Publication Annals of Surgery

Navathe AS, Liao JM, Emanuel EJ.

Penalizing Physicians for Low Value Care in Hospital Medicine: A Randomized Survery

Read Publication Journal of Hospital Medicine

Liao JM, Navathe AS, Schapira MS, Mitra N, Weissman A, Asch DA.