Our Publications

Below are all available peer-reviewed research publications authored by Dr. Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD, The Parity Center, and/or our associated collaborators.

Alternative Payment Models — Victims of Their Own Success?

Read Publication JAMA

Navathe AS, Boyle CW, Emanuel EJ.

A Qualitative Study of the Influence of Loss Aversion and Increased Social Pressure in Physician Pay-for-Performance

Read Publication Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy

Urwin JW, Shea J, Matloubieh SE, Caldarella KL, Walters M, Mishra A, Emanuel EJ, Volpp KG, Navathe AS.

Physician Perspectives About the US Quality Payment Program: MIPS Benefits and Alternative Payment Model

Read Publication Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy

Liao JM, Navathe AS.

Spending and Quality after Three Years of Medicare’s Bundled Payments for Medical Conditions: Quasi-experimental Difference-in-Differences Study

Read Publication BMJ

Rolnick JA, Liao JM, Emanuel EJ, Huang Q, Ma X, Shan EZ, Dinh C, Zhu J, Wang E, Cousins D, Navathe AS.

Outpatient Treatment at Home for Medicare Beneficiaries During, and After, the COVID-19 Pandemic

Read Publication JAMA

Bekelman JE, Emanuel EJ, Navathe AS.

Surgical Care in Accountable Care Organizations

Read Publication Penn LDI Health Policy$ense

Navathe A, Liao J.

How Health Insurers Can Be Heroes. Really | Opinion

Read Publication The New York Times

Navathe AS, Emanuel EJ.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Comparisons as a Way to Improve Health Care Quality

Read Publication Health Affairs

Navathe AS, Volpp KG, Bond A, Linn KA, Caldarella K, Troxel A, Zhu J, Yang L, Matloubieh SE, Drye E, Bernheim S, Oshima Lee E, Mugiishi M, Takata Endo K, Yoshimoto J, Emanuel EJ.

Why Opening the Economy Won’t Be the Stimulus We’re Hoping For

Read Publication Penn LDI Health Policy$ense

Navathe AS, Venkataramani A, Emanuel EJ.

Will 2020 Be the Year That Medicine Was Saved? | Opinion

Read Publication The New York Times

Emanuel EJ, Navathe AS.